Happy Clients

Happy Clients

“People keep saying all kinds of stuff about Alli does not work but it clearly states it is a weight loss aid and you need to exercise and eat right. Don’t forget that weight loss will take the duration your body took to gain weight. Take control of your body and stop blaming and whining. I lost 50 lb with diet, daily exercise and Alli in 6 months”

Happy Clients

“Been using this medication for a little over a week. My observations are the following: 1. Do not fart unless you are on a toilet. Unless you don’t mind the orange skid marks. 2. Keep a toilet brush handy to clean your bowl after you flush your gross stool. Unless you don’t mind a dirty toilet. 3. Again, hold those farts in until you find a toilet.

Happy Clients

“Okay so after reading some of the reviews I was a little reluctant to try Alli. There were comments saying how you would poop yourself etc. Well let me tell you no that does not happen if your eating a healthy diet . I love it and yes instead of losing the typical 2 pounds a week I am losing 3. So happy I tried this and will continue to use it .

Happy Clients

“People keep saying all kinds of stuff about Alli does not work but it clearly states it is a weight loss aid and you need to exercise and eat right. Don’t forget that weight loss will take the duration your body took to gain weight. Take control of your body and stop blaming and whining. I lost 50 lb with diet, daily exercise and Alli in 6 months”

Happy Clients

“Been using this medication for a little over a week. My observations are the following: 1. Do not fart unless you are on a toilet. Unless you don’t mind the orange skid marks. 2. Keep a toilet brush handy to clean your bowl after you flush your gross stool. Unless you don’t mind a dirty toilet. 3. Again, hold those farts in until you find a toilet.

Happy Clients

“Okay so after reading some of the reviews I was a little reluctant to try Alli. There were comments saying how you would poop yourself etc. Well let me tell you no that does not happen if your eating a healthy diet . I love it and yes instead of losing the typical 2 pounds a week I am losing 3. So happy I tried this and will continue to use it .

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Office Hours : 07:30 and 19:00 Mon to Sat, Sun – Holiday

    Change your life in the next 90 days of Practice

    Days 1-30: Establishing Healthy Habits
    • Nutrition
    • Exercise
    • Sleep
    • Stress Management
    • Hydration
    Days 31-60: Building on Progress
    Days 61-90: Sustaining Your Healthy Lifestyle